Ear Candles

  • Ear Candles

    Ear candles


Ear candles are not a new alternative therapy by any means. Here is a brief history of ear candles and their use.

Dating back to the year 2500 B.C. there is evidence showing that people used and were familiar with the practice of ear candling. Ancient cultures, including the Egyptians, made reference to its use.

Parchment scrolls discovered in the Orient, also have described the procedure for ear candling, also known as ear coning.

This ancient therapeutic art may have been developed with the domestication of the honeybee. Beeswax was - and still is - a key component to making the hollow cylinders used in the procedure. The principal cloth used by ancient Egyptians was linen made from flax (the fibers of an annual blue-flowered plant).

Today, as in times past . . . high-quality, ear candles are handmade from beeswax and unbleached cotton cloths. These specially fabricated candles are typically nine (9) to twelve (12) inches long and will burn for approximately ten minutes.

Ear candles work through a process called "convection" . . . softer waxes and toxins will be drawn out of the ear, oxidized and turned into vapors during the procedure.

This simple and time-proven therapy has been very effective in safely removing old and troublesome blockages from the ear canal, without the use of solutions or probes.

In Germany, ear candling is taught as a remedy. In the U.S., the process is relatively new and less known by the general public. In a number of cultures, ear candling is the remedy of choice for ear infections, Candida, fungus growth, ear aches, etc. Several holistic doctors in the U.S. have changed over to ear candling in lieu of common irrigation techniques.

Excess ear was build-up impairs hearing for many people. Yeasts, allergies or common wax build-up, removed from the ear canal on a regular basis has helped restore hearing for those affected, usually immediately.

Numerous people have attested to the value of ear candling in cleansing the ear canals and sinus passages.

Ear candling is just one more good example of how a simple, natural therapy has been used to effectively solve some of mans most common health concerns.

Suggested Use: 1 ear candle per ear as often as needed, or as recommended by your health care practitioner.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases.

**Daily Values not established.